Our Impact

Quick AC Quote works to provide top quality heating and cooling systems to residents over multiple states, with a direct focus on aiming to save people money on their utility bills by using high efficient equipment, more than the typical direct install measures, and going above and beyond for each customer we serve.

Households made more energy efficient
Lifetime utility
cost savings
$ 1000000
Carbon emissions saved lbs/annually

"The residents love the new systems, they see a difference in the utility bills and they're quieter, they're absolutely thrilled to have them."


"Quick AC Quote were absolutely amazing, very professional crews, the guys went above and beyond for all of our residents. I would highly recommend their work to anybody that is able to get them to come and do it for them."

Residential and multi-family replacement services

We replace old inefficient
heating and cooling systems with high-efficiency heat pump systems.

Performance Analysis

We perform blower door air leakage test to help determine the best approaches to make your home more efficient.

Weatherization and air sealing

We perform weatherization, air seal and insulate homes for peak energy efficiency.

Keep Calm and Stay Cool.

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Open Hours:

Mon-Fri: 9am - 5pm